Living Water by Colbi Pickett

About a month ago, a well known surfboard shaper in Jacksonville reached out to me to see if I wanted to start riding his boards. I went over to his shop and we had a talk. I explained that I didn't need a new board... I have several and a new one just wasn't in the budget. He said "I totally get that... but what if you became a team rider / represent my boards?" What this means is that people would attribute his boards with me and me with his boards. It's like when sports drinks sponsor other athletes..

Now I'm a decent surfer, but NO WAY worthy of surfing for this guy. His boards are incredible and it seems like only the best ride for him! He could tell I was pretty confused by this offer. He said "Colbi. I'm not reaching out to you because of how well you surf, but because of your character. When you paddle out, people know what you stand for and what you believe. I want that to be attributed to my brand. I want you for your integrity and your heart."

I was speechless. At the end of the day, I don't want to be known for how well I surf. I truly want to be known for my heart and my love for the Lord. A mentor of mine reminded me “It’s easy to work on your surf skills… it’s a lot harder to work on your heart.” Which are you focusing on more?

Colossians 3:23

Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters.

Cyle Myers1 Comment